Better Than Chance

Lane Hayes
Better Than Chance
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Jay Reynolds has a crush on his project leader at work, but an office romance with Peter Morgan isn't likely to happen since Peter is straight. Worse, Jay soon fears Peter is homophobic, and his initial infatuation turns to loathing. But one fateful night, Jay is forced to acknowledge things aren't quite as they seem with Peter. Suddenly, his crush is back and unbelievably, Peter is interested too. They begin a friends with benefits arrangement, which becomes difficult for Jay when he starts falling for his sexy boss. Peter’s past issues keep him from committing, and Jay has to decide if he can be satisfied with friendship if Peter isn’t ready to take a chance on anything more.  
Data wydania: 2014-01-22
ISBN: 978-1-62798-409-6, 9781627984096
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Dreamspinner Press
Cykl: Better Than Stories, tom 2
Stron: 200
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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