Chordomas & Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base & Spine

G. Harsh
Chordomas & Chondrosarcomas of the Skull Base & Spine
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Written by a world-class team of multidisciplinary experts, here is the first definitive reference on these two highly challenging tumors occurring in the skull base and spine. Covering everything from their embryology and pathology, clinical presentation and diagnosis, radiologic appearance, surgical treatment, radiation therapy, and prognosis, it is the most comprehensive book ever written on the topic. All available information on these tumors packed into a single volume High-quality illustrations that make anatomy and surgical approach crystal-clear Contributorst include: Albert Rhoton Jr., Harry Van Loveren, Laligam Sekhar, Robert Spetzler, and Chandranath Sen Includes alternative methods of treatment, ranging from surgery to radiation modalities, with recurrence and outcome assessment.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-3-13-124771-1, 9783131247711
Wydawnictwo: THIEME VERLAG

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