Design Matters: Logos 01: An Essential Primer for Today's Competitive Market

Design Matters: Logos 01: An Essential Primer for Today's Competitive Market
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The nuts and bolts of effective logo design. The design bar is at an all time high for those brave enough to participate in the industry. Today's designers must be clear on all the steps necessary to create work that stands out in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, most design books only focus on type, color, and layout issues. The "Design Matters" series takes a more in-depth approach, allowing designers to learn not only how to create work that is aesthetically appealing, but that is also strategy-driven and smart. This book focuses on creating logos, while others in the series dissect brochures, packaging, publications, and letterhead systems. Each book offers all the essential information needed to execute strong designs in concert with beautiful and well-crafted examples, so readers can successfully hit the mark every time.
ISBN: 978-1-59253-341-1, 9781592533411
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Rockport Publishers

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