Global Negotiator Making Managing & Mending Deals Around Wor

Jeswald W. Salacuse
Global Negotiator Making Managing & Mending Deals Around Wor
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In the global business environment of 2003, an executive must have the skills and knowledge to navigate all stages of an international deal, from negotiations to managing the deal after it is signed. The aim of "The Global Negotiator" is to equip business executives with that exact knowledge. Whereas most books on negotiation end when the deal is made, Salacuse guides the reader from the first handshake with a potential foreign partner to the intricacies of making the international joint venture succeed and prosper, or should things go poorly, how to deal with getting out of a deal gone wrong. By illustrating the many ways in which an international deal may falter and the methods parties can use to save it by providing the necessary technical knowledge to structure specific business transactions, such as letters of credit and a variety of legal agreements and by exploring the tranformations to the international business landscape over the last decade "The Global Negotiator" should be a useful tool to the international business person.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-312-29339-0, 9780312293390
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: St. Martin's Press

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