Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care

H. Paw
Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care
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Numerous treatment options are available to intensive care staff; this requires detailed knowledge of routes of administration and contra-indications to use in certain clinical conditions. Now in its fourth edition, this concise, practical handbook to drugs and prescribing for intensive care gives up-to-date advice on established drugs as well as providing advice on those recently approved. The book is divided into two sections: an A-Z guide to many of the drugs available, with concise information on each drug, including uses, limitations, administration directions and adverse effects. The second section contains topics relevant to the critically ill patients, including factors that may affect drug prescribing and management of medical emergencies. There is also a key data section showing weight conversions, BMI and corresponding dosage calculations, and an invaluable chart indicating drug compatibility for IV administration. This is an invaluable resource for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists caring for critically ill patients.Provides an A-Z of drugs allowing quick access for the reader Handy fold-out chart showing drug compatibility for IV administration Gives concise notes on key topics and everyday clinical scenarios
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-521-75715-7, 9780521757157
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
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