Hot Flat and Crowded

T. Friedman
Hot Flat and Crowded
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Thomas Friedman's phenomenal "The World is Flat" helped millions of people see globalization in a new way. Now he takes a fresh, provocative look at the biggest challenge facing us today - our hot, flat and crowded world. Climate change and rapid population growth mean that it's no longer possible for businesses, or the rest of us, to keep doing things the same old way. Things are going to have to change - and fast. Here Friedman provides a bold strategy for clean fuel, energy efficiency and conservation that he calls 'Code Green'. It will change everything, from what we put into our cars and see on our electricity bills to how we live our lives. "Hot, Flat and Crowded" is fearless, forward-looking and rich in common sense about the challenge - and the promise - of the future.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-14-103666-3, 9780141036663
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books

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