Library of Souls

Ransom Riggs
Library of Souls
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A boy with extraordinary powers. An army of deadly monsters. An epic battle for the future of peculiardom. The adventure that began with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and continued in Hollow City comes to a thrilling conclusion with Library of Souls. As the story opens, sixteen-year-old Jacob discovers a powerful new ability, and soon he's diving through history to rescue his peculiar companions from a heavily guarded fortress. Accompanying Jacob on his journey are Emma Bloom, a girl with fire at her fingertips, and Addison MacHenry, a dog with a nose for sniffing out lost children. They'll travel from modern-day London to the labyrinthine alleys of Devil's Acre, the most wretched slum in all of Victorian England. It's a place where the fate of peculiar children everywhere will be decided once and for all. Like its predecessors, Library of Souls blends thrilling fantasy with never-before-published vintage photography to create a one-of-a-kind reading experience.
ISBN: 978-1-59474-840-0, 9781594748400
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: QUIRK BOOKS
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Ransom Riggs Ransom Riggs
Urodzony 3 lutego 1979 roku w USA (Maryland)
Urodził się w Maryland, na dwustuletniej farmie, a dorastał na Florydzie. Studiował literaturę angielską na Kenyon College oraz filmoznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Południowej Kalifornii. W magazynie "Mental floss" publikował artykuły na temat Sherlocka ...

Pozostałe książki:

Osobliwy dom pani Peregrine Miasto cieni Biblioteka dusz Baśnie osobliwe Mapa dni Konferencja ptaków Plagi na Diabelskim Poletku Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children A Map of Days Hollow City Library Of Souls Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Tales of the Peculiar
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