Literary Topics vol.6 Southern Renaissance

Literary Topics vol.6 Southern Renaissance
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Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature puts authors, titles and literature topics into context for high school and college students as well as general researchers. Priced and designed to fill your need for a cost-effective, circulating reference for literature research, the series presents biographical, bibliographical and contextual information in volumes compiled and written by recognized authorities. Literary Topics focuses on important literary movements, genres and themes such as Modernism and hard-boiled fiction, the series presents:History of topic including overview and evolution over time Relevancy of topic compared to other literary movements, genres and themes Hallmark works representing or relating to the topic Critical response.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-7876-4471-0, 9780787644710
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Gale Group

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