Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies 2 vols

Klaus E. Meyer
Multinational Enterprises and Host Economies 2 vols
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Multinational enterprises (MNEs) invest in a variety of host economies, and closely interact with local businesses and society at large. This role has become the focus of policy debates of all sorts, as MNEs are seen as a primary conduit of globalization, thus spreading both its benefits and its negative side effects. This selection offers an interdisciplinary perspective on MNEs and host economies. Theoretical models are provided by economics research, yet some of the more subtle and complex forms of impact are hard to analyse using economics methodologies. A range of other disciplines such as management, sociology and ethics thus contribute to the discussion of these wider issues. The articles in this collection cover theoretical and empirical studies on the horizontal and vertical impact on local firms, to issues of labour standards and the natural environment, and normative issues.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-1-84720-647-3, 9781847206473
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Edward Elgar

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