My Terrific Tractor Book

My Terrific Tractor Book
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Touch, feel, look and listen - interactive tractor fun for everyone! Chugger-chugger-chugger. Tractors are AMAZING. Now see them come to life on the page. Feel how big and bumpy the tyres are. Lift the flap and find out what's under the bonnet. Then press the button and just listen to the noise they make. Brrrm brrrm! Join in the fun with your child as they lift flaps, pull tabs, touch and feel textures, listen to sounds and learn all about the wonderful world of tractors using all their senses. It's a fantastic tractor adventure.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4053-1913-3, 9781405319133
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: A Dorling Kindersley Book

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