NANO-CMOS Design for Manufacturability

B. Wong
NANO-CMOS Design for Manufacturability
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The current semiconductor model continues to give birth to a large number of design engineers who areproducing a large number of chips, but without any interaction with process/device people. This book highlights major issues/challenges and provides solutions to current advanced nodes of the semiconductor industry. It covers very real issues faced by engineers in their day-to-day activities, with concrete thought through solutions provided by industry experts. This reference provides a very practical and yet highly advanced tutorial on some of the important and relevant topics, such as deep sub-wavelength lithography, stress engineering, and developments in the EDA arena to support designs in the nano-CMOS arena.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-11280-9, 9780470112809
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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