Psalter of Robert De Lisle in British Library

Lucy Sandler
Psalter of Robert De Lisle in British Library
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One of the major examples of 14th-century English illumination, The Psalter of Robert de Lisle is one of the outstanding treasures in the British Library. This new paperback edition includes the complete illustration cycle reproduced in color with each miniature accompanied by the same detailed introductory text as in the original edition.
Each illustration is preceded by a comprehensive introduction treating the style and iconography of the miniatures in the context of contemporary English painting, analyzing the pictorial and textual components of the unusual and elaborate moral and theological diagrams, and offering conclusions about patronage, date, and provenance.
An appendix provides a handlist of more than thirty manuscripts containing the same group of diagrams, known as the Speculum Theologie, with a group of additional copies researched since the first edition. The paperback also has a new preface and postscript which evaluate recent research bearing on the manuscript, as well as an updated bibliography
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-1-872501-32-1, 9781872501321
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Harvey Miler Publishers

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