Small Antenna Design

Douglas Miron
Small Antenna Design
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As wireless devices and systems get both smaller and more ubiquitous, the demand for effective but small antennas is rapidly increasing. This book will describe the theory behind effective small antenna design and give design techniques and examples for small antennas for different operating frequencies. Design techniques are given for the entire radio spectrum, from a very hundred kilohertz to the gigahertz range. Unlike other antenna books which are heavily mathematical and theoretical, Douglas Miron keeps mathematics to the absolute minimum required to explain design techniques. Ground planes, essential for operation of many antenna designs, are extensively discussed. The book will also include a CD-ROM with design software that will greatly simplify readers' daily design tasks." High Frequency Electronics, May 2006
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7506-7861-2, 9780750678612
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann

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