Space Exploration Space Launches Missions and Events

Brian Harvey
Space Exploration Space Launches Missions and Events
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The aim of the "Space Exploration - 2007" is to provide an annual update on recent space launches, missions and results, to be published every year in September. The annual will cover space exploration from a variety of angles: looking back at past missions, reviewing those currently under way and looking to those planned for the future. The ten invited contributions each year will cover a variety of topics within these areas, to appeal to a wide readership. The regular set features, which will appear every year, will include records noting satellite and rocket launches in the previous year and satellite recoveries; analysis of developments and emerging trends in space exploration; notes on records and main feats during the year; basic data on all launchers currently in operation; schedules of upcoming missions; and anniversaries and landmarks.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-387-33330-4, 9780387333304
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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