Scott Manda
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An ancient skull with a terrible legacy has just been found. It signalsthat the end of the world starts now. . . . . Ancient wisdom predicts the end of the world with uncanny precision. Butit also provides the key to staving off apocalypse — a flawlesssapphire of incomparable beauty carved into the perfect likeness of ahuman skull. Stella Cody has discovered a crystal skull of exquisite beauty. It hasbeen hidden for four centuries. She also inherits its legacy of darksecrets, intrigue, and murder. Facing an increasingly implacable enemy, Stella and her lover, Kit,struggle to crack the code that hides the skull's intended resting place.Their search takes them from the intellectual rigour of CambridgeUniversity to the untamed wildness of England's prehistoric stone circles. But time is against them, and they have only hours left to uncover thesecret that may yet save the world.
ISBN: 978-0-593-05571-7, 9780593055717
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Bantam Books

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