Villas and Courtyard Houses of Morocco

Verner Corinne
Villas and Courtyard Houses of Morocco
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From the palaces of Fez to the riads of Marrakesh, from the trading posts of Essaouira to the Kasbahs of the south, this book seeks out the most singular living spaces in Morocco, a country blessed with one of the richest architectural heritages in North Africa. Corinne Verner explores the archetypes of the Moroccan built environment in over 200 glorious colour photographs, interspersed with numerous essays exploring a number of related topics, from the decorative arts of Morocco and the concept of the garden as ametaphors for paradisea to contemporary fashions and developments.
ISBN: 978-0-500-28753-8, 9780500287538
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Thames & Hudson

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