Water for Food Water for Life

David Molden
Water for Food Water for Life
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This comprehensive assessment of the world's water, written by experts with research from over 700 leading specialists, critically evaluates current thinking on water and its interplay with agriculture, charting the way forward with concrete actions from management to policy level across all countries and territories. After framing the main issues and providing a comprehensive examination of trends and scenarios in world water management, the book critically examines the cross-cutting issues of reducing poverty, reforming institutions for sustainable water management, avoiding or mitigating ecosystem impacts, and improving water productivity. Thematic chapters follow, covering such key issues in water management as irrigation, groundwater use, inland fisheries, rice cultivation, land conservation, and river basin management and development.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-84407-396-2, 9781844073962
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Earthscan

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