
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "legl do z", znaleziono 3

Kto naprawdę jest twoim przyjacielem, możesz się przekonać dopiero wtedy, kiedy twoje życie legnie w gruzach.
However, recent times, unfortunate, there has been a growing degeneration of the judiciary power, which finds its expression in a specific interpretation of the basic principles of this power (…) The degenerate form of these principles takes the form of three supposed principles: exclusivity, omnipotence, and voluntarism, which seem to be followed by some judges and legal theorists:
e leaned back on his elbow, his black leather pants tightening over his legs, and smiled. It was his famous “come-hither” smile, the one the media loved to broadcast, the kind of smile no woman who’d gone through puberty would ignore. It promised things, wild, wicked, hot things. It probably almost never misfired. Well, he was in for a surprise.
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