The runaway hit comic book series based on Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland s hilarious [adult swim] animated show RICK AND MORTY explores the complexities of friendship and fame in LIL POOPY SUPERSTAR!...
How to Read a Paper is one of the bestselling texts on evidence-based medicine, used by health care professionals and medical students worldwide. Trisha Greenhalgh's ability to explain the basics of e...
Henry, the quintessential all-American boy, is seized with the urge to do something really important, and becoming a paper boy seems like just the thing. But, as usual, Henry's plans go awry, and he m...
From Toto to Lassie to Benji and beyond, the dog has thrived in the soil of modern-age media and pop culture. What is it about dogs anyway? "Fluffy Humpy Poopy Puppy" is a loving tribute to man's olde...
Despite the move towards open access, the pressure to publish research in peer reviewed journals is if anything on the increase.This highly successful guide is based on the straightforward format of a...
This exciting new book is the first to tell marketers across industry how to create effective white papers using a variety of media, all the while building successful marketing campaigns to create int...
The Empire is lost. The Deathless Emperors are dead. The future may never happen. An urgent summons returns the noble Doctor to a planet he saved from disaster long ago. But Draconia, so elegant and s...
With just paper, scissors, sticky take and glue, children can puzzle their friends and amaze themselves by following easy step-by-step diagrams and helpful instructions that result in such tricks as t...
This practical guide is designed to help scientific researchers write and publish their work in a scientific journal. It provides information on how to prepare each section of a scientific paper, cove...
Between 1910 and 1920 Mexico was convulsed by socialist revolution, from which emerged a strong left-wing government that laid great stress on art as a vehicle for promoting revolutionary values. This...
Paper and the vast array of other printing materials are one of the most discussed topics in design today. Yet despite the growing importance of issues such as the environment and recycling, many crea...
This fantastic kit has everything you'll need to design and decorate 10 high-flying designs. It includes a copy of "Best Ever Paper Airplanes"; 101 sheets of paper in five colours; two plastic marking...
Do you spend a lot of time during the design process wondering what users really need? Do you hate those endless meetings where you argue how the interface should work? Have you ever developed somethi...
In just over a decade after independence, the three Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, have transformed themselves into fully functioning, small open-market economies that will be joini...
"Coaching and Mentoring" examines how to create conversations which encourage personal development; exploring the ways in which we can interact to help support and improve performance. The second edit...