In the next installment of the Wolf Harem series, Ryder and Luc are desperately trying to help in the aftermath of the bombing. They call on pack leaders for help and resources to aide Spencer and Dea...
Grant Wiggins, a college-educated man who returns to his hometown to teach, forms an unlikely bond with Jefferson, a young Black man convicted of murder and sentenced to death, when he is asked to imp...
Nearra and her friends travel to the mysterious forgotten kingdom of Arngrim in hopes that the wizards known as the Scarlet Brethren can help restore her memory, only to find themselves caught up in a...
Several years ago, a ruptured tumour almost killed Richard John Neuhaus. During a series of complicated operations, weeks in critical condition, and months in slow recovery, he was brought face to fac...
“I’ll admit it. He makes my blood sing. But a man like me? I’m not supposed to be with other men.” Oliver Suarez just wants the simple life. He’s finally free from prison, having been convicted for ...
On a stormy February afternoon, little Stella Rivers disappears - never to be seen again. There were no clues, no demands and no traces. And there was nowhere else for Wexford and his team to look. A...
DS Dennis Milne is waiting to kill three unarmed men. Cynical and jaded, helikes to think that he's only hurting those who deserve it. But this timehe's been duped. Instead of shooting drug dealers, h...
The FINAL shocking, heart-wrenching book in the jaw-droppingly stupendous Skulduggery Pleasant series. Valkerie. Darquesse. Stephanie. The world ain't big enough for the three of them. The end will co...
The study of death and dying truly crosses disciplinary boundaries. Scholars in the field represent a wide spectrum of disciplines in medicine, nursing, social work, sociology, psychology, philosophy,...
The Reformation forced Christians to reconsider virtually every aspect of their faith, and those who embraced Luther's teachings had to find new ways of dealing with the many aspects of their lives. N...
VENICE BEACH. CALIFORNIA. SUN. SURF. SEX. MONEY. MURDER. When down-and-out Eddie stumbles upon the body of a murdered teenage runaway, he vows to bring her killers to justice. His investigation bring...
Wydana we wrześniu 2007, brak polskiego tłumaczenia. The story is about a teenage girl named Hana. She is lonely and unpopular at school, so she spends most of her time on the internet creating “vari...
Brak polskiego tłmumaczenia WICKED WISH-CRAFT? Hana’s life as a loner–in school and at home–brightens only when she’s masquerading as someone else online or chilling with her imaginary BFF (Best Fri...
The highly publicized obscenity trial of Radclyffe Hall's "The Well of Loneliness" (1928) is generally recognized as the crystallizing moment in the construction of a visible modern English lesbian cu...
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Immunology is a brand-new addition to the internationally best-selling Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series. This volume offers a highly visual presentation of ess...
This 25th anniversary edition celebrates one of the most important photographic books in history on the work of a single artist. Every image has been printed from a new 300-line screen duotone film, b...
Niemiecki autor rekapituluje historyczne korzenie islamskiego radykalizmu i zestawia je z rozwojem judaizmu i chrześcijaństwa. Pierwsze wydania francuskie i niemieckie ukazały się w 1991 Obecne to wy...
Out of the ashes of Harbinger Wars, Bloodshot is about to join the weaponized men and women of the Harbinger Active Resistance Division – the black budget, technologically augmented strike force where...