Markov models are used to solve challenging pattern recognition problems on the basis of sequential data as, e.g., automatic speech or handwriting recognition. This comprehensive introduction to the M...
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) originated in statistical physics, but has spilled over into various application areas, leading to a corresponding variety of techniques and methods. That variety stimu...
The book comprises a collection of published papers which form a coherent treatment of Markov random walks and Markov additive processes together with their applications. Part I provides the foundatio...
"Wielka Rewolucja Francuzów 1789" jest książką opisującą nie tylko rok 1789 we Francji i przyczyny rewolucji, ale i jej skutki. Spis części: Francja w przededniu rewolucji Od kryzysu do sytuacji...
Odkrywanie tajemnic wyszukiwarek i internautów! Eksploracja zasobów internetowych to podręcznik umożliwiający odkrywanie wzorców w strukturze, zawartości i użytkowaniu sieci @Link. Składa się z trzech...
The main focus of this book is the exploration of the geometric and dynamic properties of a far reaching generalization of a conformal iterated function system - a Graph Directed Markov System. These ...
Markov processes are used to model systems with limited memory. They are used in many areas including communications systems, transportation networks, image segmentation and analysis, biological syste...
This book introduces the reader to methods of data mining on the web, including uncovering patterns in web content (classification, clustering, language processing), structure (graphs, hubs, metrics),...
A reflection of the intense study of the effects of electromagnetic fields on living tissues that has taken place during the last decades, Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine s...