Książka jest zbiorem utworów czterech autorów. Ze wstępem i w przekładzie Zbigniewa Bieńkowskiego.
Przygotowany z okazji kanonizacji Jana Pawła II, pierwszy modlitewnik, w którym zamieszczono modlitwy za wstawiennictwem nowego Świętego. Modlitewnik wstępem opatrzył kard. Stanisław Dziwisz. Do ich n...
This volume is devoted to mostly to nanotubes, unique synthetic nanoscale quantum systems whose physical properties are often singular (i.e. record-setting). Nanotubes can be formed from a myriad of a...
This intimate, affectionate portrait of Pope John Paul II by his longtimesecretary and confidant reveals fascinating new details about theopinions, hopes, fears, and dramatic life of this public man. ...
In the beginning, there was him. Gutsy, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll nev...
Who can say "I am Jewish"? What does "Jew" mean? What especially does it mean for Jacques Derrida, founder of deconstruction, scoffer at boundaries and fixed identities, explorer of the indeterminate ...
The True Face of Love Ruth's grandmother lives in the forest, banished there for the "evil" that the townsfolk believed she practiced. But if studying the stars, learning about nature, and dreaming o...