Pięknie i subtelnie ilustrowana książka będąca próbą upowszechnienia szczególnego polskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego, jakim jest polski folklor zawarty w rodzimych legendach. Ze względu na fakt, iż jes...
Stephen Swan is amazed when he hears that the uncle he thought had beenkilled in the Blitz is actually alive. For nearly four decades, EldritchSwan has been locked away in an Irish prison and now, at ...
During the last decades long-memory processes have evolved as a vital and important part of time series analysis. This book attempts to give an overview of the theory and methods developed to deal wit...
On the eve of World War II in a place called Half-Village, a man nicknamed the Pigeon falls in love with a girl fabled for her angelic looks. Using his ‘golden hands’ he decides to turn her family’s m...
On the eve of World War II in a place called Half-Village, a man nicknamedthe Pigeon falls in love with a girl fabled for her angelic looks. Usinghis ?golden hands? he decides to turn her family?s mod...