500 baskets. A Celebration of the Basketmaker`s Art

500 baskets. A Celebration of the Basketmaker`s Art
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Embracing a breathtaking range of new techniques, styles, and materials, beautiful basketry offers more options than ever before. And these 500 exquisite artisan pieces will open crafters` eyes to the varied and wonderful possibilities. These baskets, made by top creators from around the world-including Ed Rossbach, Michael Davis, Lillian Elliot, Gyongy Laky, Patti Lechman, and Mary Giles-as well as the best emerging newcomers, range from exquisitely functional to purely decorative, from classical to ultramodern. In addition to traditional twill, rattan, and reed, the artists have incorporated more unusual objects, such as plastic, paper, thread, and metal wire-even seeds, fish scales, and newspaper. Basketmakers, collectors, students, and anyone who loves beautiful items will delight in these masterworks.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-57990-731-0, 9781579907310
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lark Books

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