500 bowls. Contemporary Explorations of a Timeless Design

500 bowls. Contemporary Explorations of a Timeless Design
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Five hundred inspiring variations on the simple, functional bowl will fire any potter`s imagination. Displayed on each page are bowls that reinvent and reinterpret the form, and use techniques from across the globe and through the centuries. More importantly, every piece, such as Kate Maury`s wheel-thrown porcelain, Stephen F. Fabrico`s slab-built bowl with handles, and Ruchika Madan`s stoneware Fruit Bowl, testifies to the artist`s boundless inventiveness. Captions give each bowl`s size, with details on its material and glazes.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-57990-362-6, 9781579903626
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lark Books

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