500 cups. Ceramic Explorations of Utility & Grace

500 cups. Ceramic Explorations of Utility & Grace
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In the hands of an expert ceramist, the once-simple cup can become an extraordinary work of art-as these 500 magnificent examples so beautifully prove. The exciting pieces come from an international array of artists, each with a unique perspective. The stylishly varied collection has a little bit of everything: the cups range from handbuilt to wheel-thrown, practical to sculptural, round to square. Benjamin Schulman`s Stacked Teacup Set takes a strictly functional approach, while Heather O`Brien`s Dessert Cups on Stand focuses on aesthetic form rather than usefulness. Annette Gates Espresso Shot Cups with Rubies has a surface design of simple abstract lines and dots of glaze and jewels. Some are whimsical, others starkly conceptual. Every one is a treat for the eye.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-57990-593-4, 9781579905934
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lark Books

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