500 metal vessels

500 metal vessels
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Juried by Fred Fenster, a distinguished presence in the field, 500 Metal Vessels features page after page of superbly crafted bowls, teapots, vases, chalices, urns, and other exquisite handmade hollowware. Made from diverse metals and techniques (forging, raising, casting, forming, soldering, and welding), these eye-catching pieces also display gorgeous applied surface embellishments, from enamel to repoussé. Explore Sarah Perkin‘s luminous enamel bowls the monumental vessels, made by Kim Cridler out of unassuming steel rods and the work of Tom Ferrero, whose fascination with architecture and Gothic forms inspired his meticulous surface designs.
ISBN: 978-1-57990-876-8, 9781579908768
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lark Books

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