Michael Zyberberg
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A story of one of the few survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto and of anunderground existence in the non-Jewish part of the city during the SecondWorld War. Based entirely on the authors original diary, rediscoveredtwenty years after the war, Michael Zylberberg tells of the ghettouprising and the Polish uprising of General Bor-Komorowski; of the moralconflicts of the Poles who helped the Jews and those who betrayed them.There is valuable historical detail never before revealed, as in thechapters on the educationalist and martyr, Janusz Korczak and tales of theauthors last-minute escapes and desperate games of bluff, when he posed asa Catholic and a Polish Officer.
ISBN: 978-0-85303-685-2, 9780853036852
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Vallentine Mitchell - wyd

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