Baseball An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture

E. Rielly
Baseball An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
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Baseball: An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture looks at American society through the prism of its favorite pastime, discussing not only the game itself but a variety of topics with significance beyond the diamond. Its 269 entries, which vary in length from two hundred to twenty-five hundred words, explore the game's intersection with race, gender, art, drug abuse, entertainment, business, gambling, movies, and the shift from rural to urban society. Filled with larger-than-life characters, baseball legends, sports facts and firsts, important milestones, and observations about daily life and popular culture, this encyclopedia is not only an excellent reference source but also an enjoyable book to browse. Edward J. Rielly is chair of the English department at Saint Joseph's College in Maine, where he teaches, among many other courses, "Modern Literature, Baseball, and Society." His previous books include Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond and The 1960s.* Entertaining reference to the sport of baseball, including larger-than-life characters, baseball legends, sports facts and firsts, important milestones, and observations about daily life and popular culture
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-8032-9005-1, 9780803290051
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Nebraska Press

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