Coptic Tapestry Albums

Nancy Arthur Hoskins
Coptic Tapestry Albums
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Braided rugs have been a part of pioneer life since the 1830s, and now they're making a comeback as a popular craft. Follow the simple instructions and practice your skills with the three projects featured here: the oval, the circle, and the heart. Other color-filled plans show you how to braid 16 more beautiful rugs. By varying the color schemes and rug sizes there's no limit to your creativity. You only need a few inexpensive gadgets plus your usual sewing equipment. All the necessary techniques are here, including counting rows, the T-start, continuous braiding, twice-overs, changing colors, lacing, skipping, rattailing, and butting. Start with a small welcome rug or a bright little rug for the nursery, and progress to magnificent scalloped hearth and living-room rugs, circular rugs for round dining tables, hallway runners, star-shaped rugs, a whimsical piglet, a giant whale, and delightful reproductions of Shaker and Amish designs. There's even a gallery of gorgeous award-winning designs by the contemporary rug braiders, as well as plans for building your own braiding stand.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-295-98374-5, 9780295983745
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Washington Press

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