Filthy Rich

Brian Azzarello
Filthy Rich
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Richard "JUNK" Junkin has always lived on the edge of trouble. A former professional football star who's career was cut short by injury (and gambling problems), he now finds himself selling cars in New Jersey, dreaming of what-might-have-been and lusting after his boss's unbelievably spoiled, unbelievably sexy and unbelievably rich daughter, Victoria. So when the boss asks him to be her personal bodyguard as she tears up the New York City club scene, he leaps at the chance. But before long Junk becomes more of a lapdog than a chaperone, doing all of Victoria's dirty work...up to, and including, murder. This is the story of FILTHY RICH--the story of a disgraced man with a chip on his shoulder whose best years are behind him, dropped in the middle of a group of over-privileged rich girls ruthlessly competing with each other. For the love of a filthy rich girl (that he knows in his heart won't redeem him), he'll do whatever it takes because he just can't resist the hell of a ride she takes him the fast lane. Without any brakes.  
Data wydania: 2010-08-25
ISBN: 978-1-4012-1185-1, 9781401211851
Język: angielski
Seria: Vertigo Crime
Kategoria: Komiks
Stron: 200

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