Food Security Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis

S. Babu
Food Security Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis
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"Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Analysis" provides essential insights into the evaluative techniques necessary for creating appropriate and effective policies and programs to address these worldwide issues. Using a conceptual framework for exploring representative problems, the book presents information on identifying and implementing appropriate methods of measurement and analysis, examples of policy applications based on case-studies, and valuable insight into the multi-disciplinary requirements of successful implementation. Developing applied policy analysis skills requires a combination of several areas including thematic knowledge, statistical data analysis, and strategic thinking to identify when alternative policies are required. That analysis must be founded on sound theory that provides an inferential basis for evaluating, refining, and sometimes rejecting the exiting policy and program interventions.This book provides that core information in a format that provides not only the concept behind the method, but case-study applications giving the reader valuable, practical knowledge.This work: helps to identify proper analysis method, apply to available data, develop appropriate policy; demonstrates analytical techniques using real-world scenario application to illustrate approaches for accurate evaluation improving understanding of practical application development; and, tests reader comprehension of the statistical and analytical understanding vital to the creation of solutions for food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty-related nutrition issues using hands-on exercises.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-12-374712-9, 9780123747129
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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