Burg Avraham
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Modern day Israel, and the Jewish community, is strongly influenced by thememory and horrors of Hitler and the Holocaust. Here, Burg argues that theJewish nation has been traumatized and has lost the ability to trustitself, its neighbors or the world around it. He shows that this is one ofthe causes for the growing nationalism and violence that are plaguingIsraeli society and reverberating through Jewish communities worldwide.Burg uses his own family history to inform his innovative views on what theJewish people need to do to move on and eventually live in peace with theirArab neighbors and feel comfortable in world at large. Thought-provoking,compelling, and original, this book continues to inspire heated debatearound the world.
ISBN: 978-0-230-61897-8, 9780230618978
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave

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