Israeli Diaspora

S. Gold
Israeli Diaspora
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In this fascinating study, based on extensive field work in the major Israeli communities of New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris and Sydney, Steven J. Gold looks at their reasons for leaving - existing links abroad, political and economic dissatisfaction at home and, in the case of the Sephardim or Israelis of non-European origin, often a feeling of being treated as second-class citizens - the tensions, compromises and satisfactions involved in their relations with Israelis who have not left and with the Jewish and non-Jewish communities in the countries in which they settle. In a final chapter, he talks to those who, after years as emigrants, have made the decision to return. The end result is a major contribution to the study not just of the Israeli diaspora but also to our wider understanding of migration and transnational identity. Winner of the 2003 Thomas and Znaniecki Award (American Sociological Association International Migration Section)
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-295-98261-8, 9780295982618
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: University of Washington Press

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