La Romanisation Des Dieux

Alain Cadotte
La Romanisation Des Dieux
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Heirs to the Punic and Berber traditions, the North Africans, once conquered by the Romans and willing to show respect for their new masters' gods, did not want to forsake their beloved ancestral deities and solved this dilemma by giving Roman names to their traditional gods, who nevertheless kept most of their former natures. This phenomenon, known as interpretatio romana, resulted in an interpenetration of both religious universes, each being enriched in the process.
Roman African gods thus conceal dual personalities within themselves, which this book tries to investigate through all available sources (epigraphy, literature, numismatic and archaeology), unveiling many unsuspected aspects of great deities like Saturn/Baal Hammon, Astarte/Venus or Mercury/Baal Addir.
If those gods of Roman Africa have inspired many individual studies, there was still a need for a book examining them all together within their interrelations. Here is then at last a real global study of the Roman-African pantheon.

Data wydania: 2007-01-30
ISBN: 978-90-04-15258-8, 9789004152588
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Brill Academic Publishing
Kategoria: Historia Afryki
Stron: 754


Alain Cadotte Alain Cadotte holds a Ph.D. in Classics from the Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) and is now Lecturer at the Concordia University and the University of Ottawa. As an epigraphist, specialist of North African pagan cults, he published several article...

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