Love is an Illusion! Vol. 2

Love is an Illusion! Vol. 2
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BABY ON THE WAY…ALPHA’S BETTER PAYIt might be said that omega Hye-sung has an attitude problem. His life as an alpha has been turned completely on its head thanks to meeting Dojin, except unfortunately for him, his life is about to get even more uncertain… When Hye-sung gets sick, a quick trip to the doctor results in a life-changing surprise for them both. Dojin is ready to take responsibility, but is Hye-sung willing to cooperate?
Data wydania: 2023-03-21
ISBN: 978-1-63858-736-1, 9781638587361
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Seven Seas Entertainment
Kategoria: Komiks
Stron: 440

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