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In a space of only 5 years Oki Sato has left his mark as a freelance designer the world over, winning numerous awards. In 2002 he founded his design company called Nendo, which means clay in Japanese. He chose this image because clay is flexible, moldable and malleable. Using a thorough thought process in each of his projects Nendo ensures that the designs remain unique and interesting, never lacking a touch of humour. After all it is through simplicity that we can reach enlightenment. This monograph features not only his projects for Kenzo, Capellini and Swedese but also Nendo's sophisticated architectural projects, his innovative furniture designs and his creative interiors. It introduces stylish product designs and state-of-the-art graphic design. An index with project and contact information on Nendo is enclosed. This publication includes japanese text.
ISBN: 978-3-86654-068-2, 9783866540682
Wydawnictwo: Daab

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