Nursing Outcomes Classification 2ed

Marion Johnson, Sue Moorhead, Meridean L. Maas
Nursing Outcomes Classification 2ed
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This text represents the first description of outcomes, standardising the terminology and criteria for measurable or desirable outcomes as a result of interventions performed by nurses. NOC presents 190 outcome labels with corresponding definitions, Indicators, and References. Introductory chapters will cover the research methodology, the use of NOC in practice, and implementing NOC in practice and education.* Includes discussion of the implementation of outcomes in a practice setting to promote the use of classification in the nursing environment * Lists with each outcome a definition, list of indicators, and measure to facilitate clinical implementation
Data wydania: 1999
ISBN: 978-0-323-00893-8, 9780323008938
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby

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