Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy

V. Vaidyan
Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy
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The 2nd International Conference On Perspectives In Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICOPVS 2008) was held during February 24-28 at Trivandrum, Kerala, India, the land of C.V. Raman, the legendary physicist who invented the Raman Effect and to commemorate 80 years of this path breaking discovery. The ICOPVS 2008 was an excellent platform for all the researchers of vibrational spectroscopy, as an effort towards exploring its advanced applications, with emphasis on recent trends on infrared and Raman spectra. As vibrational spectroscopy is finding tremendous significance in various fields of materials science, biomedical, pharmaceutical, planetary, mineral and forensic sciences, ICOPVS 2008, featuring plenary sessions, invited lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions, provided a very dynamic and interactive platform for the international scientific community specializing in the field.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0606-3, 9780735406063
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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