Reintroducing Macroeconomics

Steven Mark Cohn
Reintroducing Macroeconomics
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This comprehensive introduction to heterodox economics provides a critique of standard introductory macroeconomics from the perspective of another theoretical lens. It enables researchers to escape the confines that most standard books impose on economic analysis, and allows them to pursue and support a broader range of ideas about the causes and appropriate policy responses to a wide range of economic concerns. "Reintroducing Macroeconomics" carves out a common ground among a broad spectrum of heterodox economic paradigms, including institutionalist economics, radical economics, Marxist economics, feminist economics, Post Keynesian economics, ecological economics, humanistic economics, social economics, socio-economics, and contextual economics. The breadth of these paradigms demonstrates the vitality of the heterodox approach and provides the choices of thinking about economic issues in different ways.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7656-1450-6, 9780765614506
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: M.E.Sharpe

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