
Cambria Hebert
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It’s all about the #Selfie. She was the one girl I never wanted. Until I had her. One night. One mistake. Something we both wanted to forget. I got rid of the proof. The one piece of evidence that could remind us both. At least, I thought I did. When it shows up on the school Buzzfeed, rumors fly. Friendships are tested and the feels get real. I don’t do relationships. I don’t open my heart. Especially for a girl everyone knows I hate. What happens during spring break, stays in spring break. Until it follows you home.  
Data wydania: 2015-05-18
ISBN: 1-938857-72-0, 1938857720
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambria Hebert
Cykl: Hashtag, tom 4
Stron: 330

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