Semantic Web for Knowledge and Data Management

Z. Ma
Semantic Web for Knowledge and Data Management
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While the current Web provides access to an enormous amount of information, it is currently only human-readable. In response to this problem, the Semantic Web allows for explicit representation of the Semantics of data so that it is machine interpretable. Semantic Web for Knowledge and Data Management: Technologies and Practices provides a single record of technologies and practices of the Semantic approach to the management, organization, interpretation, retrieval, and use of Web-based data. This groundbreaking collection offers state-of-the-art information to academics, researchers, and industry practitioners involved in the study, use, design, and development of advanced and emerging Semantic Web technologies.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60566-028-8, 9781605660288
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Idea Group Publishing

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