Torchwood: Army of One

Ian Edginton
Torchwood: Army of One
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Washington, D.C., post-Miracle: The city has been hit by a spate of very unusual serial killings. The victims are different ages and genders and the locations vary, but each body has one thing in common: it has been reduced to a dried-up, desiccated husk. Special Agent Lucas Avery has dealt with some tricky puzzles in his time, but this is stranger than anything he has ever encountered. His one lead is a pair of names: Gwen and Rhys. For Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams, still recovering from the recent traumatic events that shook the world, life is about to get difficult and dangerous again. For it is not just Homeland Security on their trail, but something else - something alien, terrifying, and deadly.  
Data wydania: 2012-03-08
ISBN: 978-1-4458-7192-9, 9781445871929
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: BBC
Cykl: Torchwood Audio Exclusives, tom 7

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