Unbalance Unbalance - Volume 7

Dall-Young Lim
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Unbalance Unbalance - Volume 7
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7 /10
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Na podstawie 1 oceny kanapowicza


A young man finds and returns a lost wallet and cell phone to a beautiful young lady, thus begins the destined relationship between two strangers. Sound typical? Well then, how about making the young lady the young man's future homeroom teacher, and give them both a twisted sense of right and wrong. And just for kicks, let's have the young man help himself to a self proclaimed reward from the lost wallet before returning it… but of course, this scenario wouldn't be complete unless the young lady was very unforgiving when it came to teaching one of her students a lesson on morals.
ISBN: 89-252-1404-0, 8925214040
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Infinity Studios
Cykl: Unbalanced, tom 7
Kategoria: Manga
Stron: 196
dodana przez: literackiespelnienie

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