Vocabulary Related to the Technological and Scientific Development of the 20th century in the Tajik Language on the Basis of the World Wide Web

Tomasz Gacek
Vocabulary Related to the Technological and Scientific Development of the 20th century in the Tajik Language on the Basis of the World Wide Web
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It may seem paradoxical at first that although the scientific and technological vocabulary is not – in most cases – culture-dependent, still possessing the up-to-date set of technological (and scientific) lexica is important for the culture of the speakers of a language, as it is a paragon of their idiom’s vitality and ability to describe the modern world. The author of the present book analyses various aspects of this subsystem of vocabulary in the Tajik language and tries to indicate tendencies in its development.
ISBN: 978-83-7638-531-0, 9788376385310
Wydawnictwo: Księgarnia Akademicka

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