Where Wild Peaches Grow

Cade Bentley
Where Wild Peaches Grow
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In a deeply emotional novel of family, cultural heritage, and forgiveness, estranged sisters wrestle with the choices they’ve made and confront circumstances beyond their control. Nona “Peaches” Davenport, abandoned by the man she loved and betrayed by family, left her Natchez, Mississippi, home fifteen years ago and never looked back. She’s forged a promising future in Chicago as a professor of African American Studies. Nona even finds her once-closed heart persuaded by a new love. But that’s all shaken when her father’s death forces her to return to everything she’s tried to forget. Julia Curtis hasn’t forgiven her sister for deserting the family. Just like their mother, Nona walked away from Julia when she needed her most. And Julia doesn’t feel guilty for turning to Nona’s old flame, Marcus, for comfort. He helped Julia build a new life. She has a child, a career, and a determination to move on from old family wounds. Upon Nona’s return to Natchez, a cautious reunion unfolds, and everything Nona and Julia thought they knew―about themselves, each other, and those they loved―will be tested. Unpacking the truth about why Nona left may finally heal their frayed bond―or tear it apart again, forever.
Data wydania: 2022-08-30
ISBN: 1-5420-3121-4, 1542031214
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lake Union Publishing
Stron: 301


Cade Bentley Cade Bentley Cade Bentley is a novelist and editor who is also published as Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Abby L. Vandiver, as well as Abby Colette. When she isn’t writing, Cade enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. She resides in S...

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