Abernathy's Surgical Secrets 5e

Alden H. Harken
Abernathy's Surgical Secrets 5e
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This modern classic, the leading volume in the highly popular Secrets Series®, has been completely revised and updated in this exciting new edition. Key questions and answers in surgery 'set the glue' on the information in a way unlike any other text presentation. Socrates was right: the best way to learn is to ask the right questions, and Surgical Secrets provides all the right answers.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-56053-586-7, 9781560535867
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Hanley & Belfus


Alden H. Harken Alden H. Harken Dr. Alden H. Harken, MD's Specialties SPECIALTY Thoracic Surgery Cardiac and thoracic surgeons specialize in the surgical treatment of diseases of the chest and heart. Thoracic surgeons and cardiac surgeons have the same general training and cert...

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Abernathy's Surgical Secrets 4e Abernathy's Surgical Secrets 5e Abernathy's Surgical Secrets 6e
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