Birthday Present

Ruth Rendell "Barbara Vine"
Birthday Present
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It's late spring of 1990 and a love affair is flourishing: between Ivor Tesham, a thirty-three year old rising star of Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government, and Hebe Furnal, a stunning North London housewife stuck in a dull marriage. What excitement Hebe lacks at home, however, is amply compensated for by the well-bred and intensely attractive Tesham - an ardent womaniser and ambitious politician. On the eve of her twenty-eighth birthday, Tesham decides to give Hebe a present to remember: something far more memorable than, say, the costly string of pearls he's already lavished upon her, involving a fashionable new practice known as 'adventure sex.' A man arranges for his unsuspecting but otherwise willing girlfriend to be snatched from the street, bound and gagged, and delivered to him at a mutually agreed venue . . . Set amidst an age of IRA bombings, the first Gulf War, and sleazy politics, The Birthday Present is the gripping story of a fall from grace, and of a man who carries within him all the hypocrisy, greed and self-obsession of a troubled era.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-670-91762-4, 9780670917624
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
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Ruth Rendell "Barbara Vine" Ruth Rendell "Barbara Vine" Ruth Rendell (ps. Barbara Vine) ur. 17 lutego 1930 - brytyjska powieściopisarka, autorka powieści detektywistycznych i psychologicznych. Swą karierę rozpoczynała jako dziennikarka dla lokalnych gazet w hrabstwie Essex. Pracę straciła po opublikowaniu...

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