Character Design for Mobile Devices

Lawrence Wright
Character Design for Mobile Devices
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Character Design for Mobile Devices" is a unique look at the creative challenges of designing sprites and icons for mobile phones, portable games platforms, and computers, and at how the limits of designing for the smallest screens are the inspiration for vibrant and colorful art. It is a book for anyone with a passion for painting with points of light. Included in the book are profiles of some of the top names in the field, together with showcases of the best in pixel art, and an exploration of the links between technology limitations and the appearance of graphics. Also featured are workshops looking at the challenges of redesigning existing brands, games characters, and icons for new interfaces and devices, including how rich 3D graphics can be ported to handheld devices and mobile phones. "Character Design for Mobile Devices" reveals how to design eye-catching, identifiable graphics and recognizable characters with only a few pixels at your disposal. But above all, it forms a gallery of astonishing design.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-2-940361-12-0, 9782940361120
Wydawnictwo: Rotovision


Lawrence Wright Lawrence Wright
Urodzony 2 sierpnia 1947 roku w USA (Oklahoma City)
Lawrence Wright – pisarz, scenarzystafilmowy i teatralny, od 1992 roku stały współpracownik „New Yorkera”, członek Council on Foreign Relations oraz Amerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia Historyków. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Tulane w Nowym Orleanie orazAmeryka...

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