Davy Harwood in Transition

Davy Harwood in Transition
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The vampire nations sent their armies for her. They feared and sought to destroy her. The werewolves sent their own in the hopes to take her magic. One stood against them all to protect her. And in the midst of everything, as she watched her human life crumble to her feet, Davy grew as the Immortal every day. Her powers transitioned until she would save them all in the end. She only hoped she wouldn’t lose her humanity at the cost of fulfilling the Immortal Prophecy.  
Data wydania: 2016-05-16
ISBN: 978-1-68230-489-1, 9781682304891
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Everafter Romance
Cykl: The Immortal Prophecy, tom 2
Kategoria: Romans
Stron: 252


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